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Whats On Production Take me to the River (2004)
9th January

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Take me to the River (2004)

Click to see a larger picture of Take me to the River Directed By
Dylan Lowthian

Production Type
Other Production

Production Location
Main Theatre

User Rating: (Awaiting votes)

Flier Summary:

by Richard Conlon

A new play to celebrate Surrey life and the
'Wey We Were' Project

"Grace is unwell. Fever stirs up the silt of her memories - disturbs the sediment of the years..."

Take Me To The River is a play constructed from both fact and fantasy... verbatim reminiscence and imagined narrative...

This piece of theatre celebrates the River Way and those who played, lived, loved and worked on, and by it. We invite you to spend the evening with us. Join Grace and her family on the adventure of an afternoon, and of a lifetime.


Funded by an application to the Local Heritage Initiative Fund to Guildford Borough Council, the 'Wey We Were' Project has sought to gather older local people's reminiscences about the River Wey. Stories have come in about how people have used the river as a source of industry, leisure & romance through the years.

"Take Me To The River" is best described as a 'Wey-flavoured miscellany'. The play mixes real, verbatim reminiscences with an imagined contemporary narrative.

"Grace is unwell. Feverish with Shingles, time seems to have folded in on her and she imagines herself to be the girl she once was. She absconds from her sick-bed to wander down to the river. Here we see her relive a number of her earlier experiences, through childhood and young adulthood.
It was a childhood dream of hers to follow the Wey out to the sea, and in her confused state she believes that if she steps in she will be taken on this journey. As Grace lives out some of her life's most carefree and tragic moments - her family are attempting to get to her in time...."
The piece, though inspired by the experience of some of Surrey's older residents, will be performed by a collaboration between two theatre groups. Each group, Farnham Maltings Youth Theatre and The Nomads, will each host a performance at their own venue on the following dates:

Farnham Maltings Tuesday 13th April 2004
Nomad Theatre Wednesday 14th April 2004

We are privileged to have been asked by Guildford Borough Council to be involved in this exciting project especially as it involves collaboration with the vibrant Maltings Theatre. The Nomads cast will be a mixture of young, very young and almost young! However, we still need some additional actors so if you are interested and under 90 please call Stuart Freeman on 01483 852262. Tickets for the Wednesday night can be booked through Lauren Fantham on 01483 282747.

Production Dates & Prices:
(Please note Booking Information)

Members Price
 Wednesday 14th April 2004
£6.00 / £4.00
£6.00 / £4.00

Cast: (in programme order)

Crew: (in programme order)
Dylan Lowthian ... Director

Related News:
Mar 2004 The Wey We Were

User Reviews:

No Online Reviews Found

Guildford Borough
Heritage Lottery Fund
The National Trust
Waverley Borough Council

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