Cinderella is one of the most popular pantomimes and numerous versions exist.
They are all based on the fairy talc told by the French author Charles Perrault who lived from 1628 to 1703 and whose collection of tales - including other favourites such as The Sleeping Beauty, Puss in Boots, Tom Thumb, Little Red Riding Hood and Beauty and the Beast - were first translated into English by Robert Samber in the early eighteenth century.
Reading these versions - or at least a dozen of them -,leaves one punchdrunk. Some are too old-fashioned for present day audiences; others seem intended for adult rather than young audiences, or are designed to be performed as a vehicle for personalities from the worlds of TV, pop music and even sport.
The version I have chosen is by Colin Wakefield with music and lyrics by Kate Edgar and was first performed at the Salisbury Playhouse in December 1995 with a cast of ten adults and six children. It is a crisp, modern version, written for family audiences, and includes all the favourite elements of pantomime. I have expanded the cast and this includes two alternating teams of Nomes with a couple of additional musical numbers for them to perform.
For many children, pantomime is their first experience of live theatre. We very much hope that they will enjoy this production and enthusiastically support Cinderella as she tries to outwit the Ugly Sisters, with the help of Buttons. and get to the Prince's Ball.
Keith McDonald |