Mother Goose is not a Pantomime that is performed as often as other pantos especially as there seems to be a trend in recent years towards glamourous costumes and sparking intricate sets.
Oh yes you will! --- Oh no you won't! --- Oh yes you will! --- Oh no you won't!
Stop - stop - stop enough of this idle banter, or perhaps not?
Audience participation and ad libs from the cast are all part of what Pantomime should be about. The Collins dictionary definition of:
Pantomime is: "a confused or farcical situation"
well we won't be accused of proving the dictionary wrong in this production.
I have endeavoured to direct, and I use the word loosely, a very open and free flowing production, allowing the cast develop their own characterisations and with an attitude of "if it works don't fix it". This I hope has given the cast freedom to attain new heights of "confused and farcical", so much so that you, the audience, wil be part of the fun from the minute the curtain goes up.
Oh yes you Will!
I hope you enjoy the performance as much as the cast have in rehearsals, and, don't forget to join in when asked to and join in when not asked to, because this is your show and we want you to go home with a smile on your face. |