The Nomads Theatre
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31st May

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What was on @ The Nomads during 2002!

Nomads put on around 8 productions a year. From here you can see current, past and future productions. We are still putting past productions into this new site so please bear with us. If you are interested in being involved in one of the future productions check the news for when auditions are to be held, contact the production director or if all else fails contact us here!

Productions in 2002:
Production First Night
Jack and the Beanstalk Saturday 19th January
What the Butler Saw Tuesday 12th March
The Memory of Water Tuesday 30th April
Nine Friday 14th June
Sherlock Holmes Saturday 6th July
Popcorn Tuesday 30th July
Canterbury Tales Tuesday 27th August
The Legend of No-Name Saturday 7th September
Like a Virgin Sunday 15th September
The Gin Game Tuesday 24th September
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Tuesday 22nd October
Under The Stars (Cancelled) Tuesday 26th November

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