The Nomads Theatre
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What was on @ The Nomads during 2008!

Nomads put on around 8 productions a year. From here you can see current, past and future productions. We are still putting past productions into this new site so please bear with us. If you are interested in being involved in one of the future productions check the news for when auditions are to be held, contact the production director or if all else fails contact us here!

Productions in 2008:
Production First Night
The Borrowers (film) Thursday 3rd January
The Great Race (film) Saturday 5th January
Aladdin & the Standard Lamp Thursday 17th January
Gift of the Gorgon Tuesday 11th March
Coping and Hoping Wednesday 9th April
The Gondoliers Thursday 17th April
Nomads Club Night Saturday 26th April
Viva La Costa Friday 9th May
Shake, Ripple and Roll Friday 4th July
Play in a week Saturday 26th July
Adam, Eve & Eric Tuesday 26th August
Hotel Paradiso Tuesday 7th October
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Tuesday 18th November

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