• Nomes News, Production News, Productions, Theatre

    Posted on May 20th, 2012

    Written by Charles


    , ,

    Come with The Nomes to Neverland!
    Yes, after last years sell out success Honk!, we bring you a trip of a lifetime, in fact an awfully big adventure!

    Peter Pan

    J.M Barrie first saw his play performed in 1904, inspired by his relationship with the Llewelyn Davies Family. He continued to revise the play over the following years and then turned the story into a novel in 1911. Over the years there have been many adaptations and The Nomes bring you a musical version masterfully scripted by Philip Glassborow with additional music by David Rhind-Tutt.

    Peter Pan loves to listen to stories. In fact he travels to Kensington every night just to listen to Mrs Darling telling amazing tales to her three children; Wendy, Michael and John. Unfortunately one night he is so carried away that he doesn‘t realise that Mrs Darling has seen him at the open window and she shuts it with such gusto that it cuts his shadow clean off. On the mission to recover his shadow Peter wakes up Wendy Darling and then, well ……. you will have to come and join us to find out!

    The Nomes have been rehearsing since Easter and hope that you enjoy their production.

    The Nomes are aged between 7 and 15, and attend classes on Saturdays or Thursday nights at The Nomad Theatre. If you are interested in the youth theatre or would like some more information, contact us at: nomesatnomads@hotmail.co.uk.

    All tickets £10 each

    This entry was posted on Sunday, May 20th, 2012 at 3:20 pm and is filed under Nomes News, Production News, Productions, Theatre. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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