Audition Dates confirmed for “Private Lives” 12th – 13th July 2014
We are pleased to announce that we have finalised our Audition dates for the upcoming production of Noel Coward’s “Private Lives” due to be staged November 11-15 at 8pm.
We will be holding 2 full reads of the play over both Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th July, all individuals looking to Audition should indicate either AM or PM and the date they can attend, as we will be looking to maximise the reading opportunity for everyone to ensure the audition panel can get a better understanding for which roles suit each individual. Please note that you may be asked to read for roles outside of those you have asked to be seen for, this may be due to the audition panel feeling you are better suited to other roles.
Please see character names and playing ages below – please note that the characters playing ages are only guidelines and the audition panel will not be tide down to these only.
We will be breaking down the character at the start of these sessions to give everyone a better overview of what we are looking for out of these character.
Elyot Chase male spoken 30 – 45 lead
Amanda Prynne female spoken 30 – 45 lead
Victor Prynne male spoken 30 – 45 lead
Sibyl Chase female spoken 20 – 30 lead
Luise female spoken 19 – 35 supporting
We have made Saturday 17th Available for anyone who cannot mate the above dates and will also be used for recall auditions should we need them so please aim to keep this date free also.
I’m very excited to working at Nomads for the first time and thank Stephen and the team for this opportunity if anyone has any questions please feel free to email me personally and I will be more than willing to assist as best I can. You can reach me at [email protected]
Scripts will be available on the day if you do not have them and I am working on getting a softcopy available via email in advance of this date so anyone who would like one sent over please reach out and I can send this over.
I look forward to seeing you all at the auditions and best of luck!
Lee Thomas