Whipping it Up 8-12 April
in The Studio
This play is not what the title might suggest, it is set in the Whips office in the House of Commons. The new Tory government has a majority of only 3 but the latest bill is causing rebellion so the whips are out in force to make sure the vote goes their way.
It has been described as ‘a vitriolic political comedy that makes the average alligator pond look like a health spa’
All the characters are MPs with one exception. The pace is quick and demands ensemble acting of a high order.

Alastair, Deputy Chief Whip - 45+ smooth, brilliant, immaculate, reptilean, always owns the space

Chief Whip - 65+ imposing, cynical, acerbic, but has had a recent heart attack

Guy, Backbench MP - 30ish, nervous, eager, new to the game

Tim, Junior Whip - 30ish, sharp, streetwise, London accent

Maggie, Researcher - late 20s, ambitious but behaves like a little girl

Delia, Labour Deputy Chief Whip - 40s or older, dynamic, smart, voice like cold steel

Auditions will be in January, Wed 8th at 7.30, Sunday 12th at 6pm, Wed 15th at 7.30
Call me for a chat on 01483 283723 or email [email protected]


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