Whodunnit is a comedy thriller set in a traditional country house and takes audiences to Agatha Christie‘s England. Six strangers and a butler have gathered for a black tie dinner in a wealthy lawyer‘s mansion during a thunderstorm. The guests include an aged rear admiral, a bitchy aristocrat, a doddering old archeologist, a dashing young cad, a sweet young thing and other Christie types. One of the guests is an oily Levantine who tells the others (each in private) that he has the goods to blackmail them. He is ripe for murder and so it happens. Whodunnit?
The Author has said: ”I would describe it as a comedy of manners, an evocation of Agatha Christie and her British society milieu. It‘s a slight piece, really more a comedy than a thriller. I simply say to the audience that we‘re going to play a game. All the facts will be given, mistakes will be made, all kinds of false clues planted.•
Whodunnit premiered as The Case Of The Oily Levantine at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre in 1977. Five years later the play opened in the US with the new title Whodunnit, first in Boston then, in 1982, transferred to the Biltmore Theatre, New York.
“In the Library, with a Sword, by ?”