How to Stay Fit as a Digital Nomad

Working and traveling the world sounds like a dream come true. You can go to new places all over the world, do your job, and just experience adventures that you wouldn’t be able to otherwise. In recent years, after working from home became more of a standard practice and freelancers grew in numbers, many people have started calling themselves “digital nomads” and exploring the world as they work. 

As with everything else in life, on paper, this lifestyle sounds like something we dreamed about as kids; however, in real life, it poses some challenges and has its fair share of difficulties. 

For people who are physically active and who would like to remain that way, a fear that accompanies being a digital nomad is not being able to stay fit due to the lack of a stable environment, the unavailability of gyms, and difficulty finding time and areas to train in. That’s why, in this article, we’re going to take a look at all the steps you can take to ensure that your journey with work and travel doesn’t affect your physical health in a negative way.

5 Ways to Remain Fit as A Digital Nomad 

As you can guess, if you want to remain in great shape, even as you travel all over the world and you’re busy with work, you have to prepare. In this scenario, planning and preparation are key for remaining on top of things and achieving the best possible results. 

Research & Find Gyms 

The first and easiest thing you can do is research for gyms. If you’re planning on staying at a location for longer, try to find complexes that have gyms in them or that have a gym that offers weekly memberships close by. That way, you will have access to a training facility without having to pay for a whole year and without having to search for new ways to get active while you have all these other things to be excited about. 

Plan the Number of Workouts You Want to Commit To

It’s good to know how much you want to work out while you’re also traveling. If you’re committing to places for more than one or two months, you may be able to get away with training the usual 4-5 times per week. However, if you’re constantly on the go, it might be wiser to tone down the number of training sessions to 2-3 per week. That way, you won’t feel the pressure of having to squeeze in another session, and you can always add one more during those stays when you have the energy and the needed equipment. 

Carry Some Equipment With You

Now, here we’re not talking about carrying bikes, dumbbells, or barbells. Instead, we’re suggesting light and easy to fit into luggage items such as resistance bands, a travel massage gun, and a jump rope. Having some additional pieces of equipment can help you get a good, sweaty session in, even when you don’t have access to a gym and you have to train in your room or outside.

Consider writing down some circuit workouts that can be done anywhere with little to no equipment and save them as your go-to options for when you can’t be lifting heavy. 

Take Up Running

One sport that can easily be done anywhere and with little to no specific equipment is running. As long as the weather allows it and you have a pair of comfortable sneakers, you can go ahead and run for 30 minutes to an hour, which is the perfect length for a sweaty session. Along with that, running around new cities is a great way to explore them on the go, especially if you take the time to map yourself a route that takes you through all the best scenery and places. 

Check Out the Nearby Park

In many cities all over the world, there are spaces filled with fitness equipment that you can use for free. So, if you struggle to find a gym or you just don’t want to pay a fee, going to the local park and checking it out is a great idea – especially if you also have additional equipment, such as a jump rope or resistance band. Those combined with pull-up and push-up bars should be more than enough for a solid session.

In Conclusion

Being a digital nomad and staying fit and healthy are not mutually exclusive – you can be both, and in fact, it’s much easier than you might be led to believe. Hopefully, this article helped you learn what steps you can take to make sure you stay physically active while also working and traveling the world – don’t forget, it’s all a matter of planning and discipline.